
7 Gift types dont Get for Your Man

7 Gift types dont Get for Your Man

When it comes to choosing a gift for your man, sometimes it’s a confusing matter because we can predict what we as women love to receive. At first glance, gift options for men are limited in variety. And the last thing one wants is to receive the same gift twice.

So here we brought you seven gifts you shouldn’t send to men so you can avoid spending money on them.

1. Cheap Perfume:

Men love perfumes, but cheap ones are on top of the list of 7 gifts you shouldn’t send to men because they hate them! So if you’re planning on giving a man some perfume, do some research and know which type he prefers. If he doesn’t change a particular scent, you can give the same one without any innovation. 

2. Flowers:

Of course, not all men don’t appreciate flowers, but men appreciate practical gifts more. Flowers are not that meaningful to men as they mean to women. Flowers have a short life span when cut, so men generally feel that you spent money in vain. If you still want to gift flowers, opt-in for potted plants, serving as a green element at home and the workplace.

3. Office supplies:

You might think that this way, you care for his priorities and needs, but no! Men feel towards such gifts that you remind them of work and dull moments, especially on personal and happy occasions. They want you to get them something sensational, intimate and screams care and love. While office supplies are no-go, fancy gadgets and modern technology can still be a good idea.

4. Stuffed Bears and Love Cards:

Know what? If any of the previous gift ideas men might accept, this one is a BIG no for them. Although women find such gifts cute and a nice gesture, it is a real turn-off for men because they didn’t need it when they were kids, so they’d need it as grown-ups! As for the cards could be a nice gesture but not the only gift; it needs to be accompanied by some sincere gift. 

5. Matchy Items:

Well, this is not a theory, but often, men don’t get so thrilled when you gift them a T-shirt that matches your outfit or a tie that looks good with your dress. They might feel a bit obliged to wear it to make you happy, but deep down, they feel like they’re wearing a uniform, and who likes that? 

6. Gym Membership:

Are you trying to tell him that he gained weight? It’s the same thing you’ll feel if he did the same unless he’s an athlete or someone who considers the gym the second home, opt-out from this gift option too.

7. Jewelry:

Not all men wear jewelry, yet the trend is on the rise. While jewelry is not the worst gift, in particular, the chances of choosing the wrong are the highest. Getting a cufflink for a t-shirt loving techie can be a nightmare. Rings can top this list as the worst gift unless you are a modern woman planning to propose. ????

So if these are the seven gifts you shouldn’t send to men, what are the gifts that please them? 

To not leave you wondering, we brought you some options men find exciting, yet they differ from one person to another. 

1. Clothes of his style:

Now you can gift him clothes, but not that match yours. You can get him something of his taste, something he’d wear, and feel proud that you like and accept his style. 

2. Food and desserts:

Let’s not forget the path that takes to men’s hearts… If your man is a foodie, you’re lucky. Because you’ll have a simple and wide variety of gifts that will not cost you a fortune, and he’ll like them anyway. So you can gift him a delicious cake, some delicious cookies, a box of healthy snacks rich in nutrition, and the list goes on. 

3. Cheerful gifts matching the drinking habits 

No one can go wrong with coffee and its tools, so a good coffee machine will do great as a gift if he’s a coffee fan. If your man is more of a tea person, various selected tea can do the same trick as a coffee machine. Another great option is a cocktail mixing set.

4. An elegant watch: 

The safest jewelry option can be a watch, yet being considerate is very important as more and more people prefer smartwatches these days. So if you thought of accessories, go for an elegant look, and your man will like it even if he has dozens of watches. 

5. Personalized stuff:

A personalized wallet, mobile cover, AirPods case all are excellent gifts. It is not a gift that he can use but also made for him, making him feel special. Pro tip: it is not possible to return or exchange personalized items. If you opt-in for the option, please make sure you are 100% certain of your choice.

6. Simple electronics:

Most men like electronics; that doesn’t mean you buy him a home theatre. You can get simple electronics for your man. He’ll be happy to receive gifts like a voice assistant, some innovative chargers, or classy headphones with good sound quality. Pro tip: Even if you hate his game nights with boys, a game console will make him happy and increase his authority among friends. 

Now you know what to get and what not to get as a gift for your man. If you want a place where you can browse so many items and choose from a wide variety of skills, visit hazalgifts.com and search for whatever you want. We’ll deliver your gift anywhere for you.